What Women Want 我知女人心 (2011) - Hong Kong / China

What Women Want 我知女人心 (2011) – Hong Kong / China

A superficial remake of Hollywood counterpart…

Although, What Women Want is what you proclaim as efficient, it is not a movie that affects or has any effect on you. At least that is the case, if you have seen the far superior Hollywood movie starring Mel Gibson. The problem is not the story, but rather the way the film is directed. There is absolutely no creativity or ambition, instead what the audience receive is a safe scene by scene re-dux into Chinese. If not for the attractiveness and on-screen presence of the leads, Andy Lau and Gong Li, the film would be almost unwatchable. With the two, What Women Want gets attention and with attention comes a decently made, polish production values and purely commercialised Mainland product.

One of the Achilles heels of this movie is the pairing of Gong Li and Andy Lau. There is absolutely no love chemistry in the pairing. If there is any sort of chemistry it will be that of brotherly and sisterly love. In effect, the film is doomed to have any chance of real success when the main romantic leads fail the first hurdle. In saying that, whenever the two is on-screen, there is an automatic “big star” presence about them. This not only lifts the movie up a notch, but makes the film a watchable affair from start to finish without lurking into boredom.

All in all, What Women Want is not a bad movie, in fact is more into the positive territory than not. The fact is that it is inevitable that any remake will be compare with its predecessor and in this case, the Hollywood original actually worked in all departments and even manages to convince. Sometimes, a safe bet is reasonable, but to copy scene by scene, it just lacks any sort of creativity that could have made the film better than it is. Using the idea and premises of knowing what women is feeling rather than a carbon copy can be a start. Still, What Women Want is an efficient and largely average entertain that does not ignite or fails. Watch the original, before indulging into this hugely average affair…(Neo 2011)

I rate it 6/10