15th Japanese Film Festival – HK Neo Reviews Award 2011
After watching a string of 9 films within the space of a week: I have decided to do some novelty by presenting a few awards for the JFF. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the JFF organisers for allowing me to review this year’s impressive line-up of films. Let the drum rolls begin:
HK Neo Reviews Awards – 15th Japanese Film Festival in Sydney
Best Film:
A Boy and His Samurai ちょんまげぷりん (2010)
Best Director
Hideyuki Hirayama (Shinsan: A Serenade in a Coalmine Town 信さん・炭坑町のセレナーデ – 2011)
Best Actor:
Shun Oguri (Peak: The Rescuers 岳-ガク- 2011)
Best Actress:
Nanami Sakuraba (The Last Ronin 最後の忠臣蔵 – 2010)
So that’s it for this year JFF – I certainly had a loads of fun! I look forward to next years JFF!
If any of you are in Melbourne the JFF begins tomorrow from 29th November to 6 December 2011. So join in the fun.
As for any of the above award recipents and you happen to come across this site and read this and you are in Sydney. Feel free to contact me @ webmaster@thehkneo.com and I will present you with the HK Neo Reviews Award – JFF edition.