Vampire Cleanup Department 救殭清道夫 (2017) - Hong Kong

Vampire Cleanup Department 救殭清道夫 (2017) – Hong Kong

[] Vampire Cleanup Department (2017) – Hong Kong

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Revoking those nostalgic memories of 90s local Vampire film series, first time directors cleverly blends old school genre elements with martial arts action and cheesy comedy into a fun, if not entirely fresh Vampire experience. Genre fans will love the presence of old timers in Richard Ng, Lo Meng and Chin Siu Ho as part of a group of vampire hunters disguised as garbage collectors known as VCD. Babyjohn Choi gets to headline his own film as once again passes the grade with his likeable presence and decent comic timing. Probably on a lacking scale is the unconvincing romance and chemistry with Internet sensation Lin Min Chen. Veteran Siu Yam Yam shows up as Babyjohn’s grandmother is always a welcome. All in all, the latest attempt to revoke those vampire movies is a good one. Being critical as I am, we needed more martial arts set pieces, but this film ends up being an inconsequential fun ride regardless.
I rated it 3/5

Reviewed by Andrew Chan

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